Who is behind this blog?

Hi there 👋 My name is Duane "TravelBuddy" Maclin and this is my blog. Some of my favorite things are travel, artificial intelligence, photography, business, technology fun, and the sun :)

Team Coach & Blogger 🎯 "I help others achieve their business dreams by providing insights and resources.

Let's turn your vision into reality!"

Some of my other projects

For photography enthusiasts, I can provide engaging content on social media channels that showcase stunning photos, promotes photography tips, and highlights the latest gear and technology.

Artificial Intelligence

artificial intelligence (AI), I provide engaging content for social media channels that explores the latest developments and trends in AI, highlights real-world applications of the technology, and offers insights into the future of AI.


I offer one-on-one coaching sessions and online courses that help entrepreneurs launch and grow their own businesses. My goal is to deliver high-quality, engaging content and personalized support that helps people achieve their goals and pursue their passions.

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